Superflous Advice

Should they whisper false of you,
Never trouble to deny;
Should the words they say be true,
Weep and storm and swear they lie.

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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

If procrastination were an art form - I would be unrivalled

Come to think of it, I still just might be. See, there's nothing quite so deflating like having to go backwards with your research just to iron out a few kinks here and there. Jeez, I have written worse papers and gotten Bs so really why can't they just let me get on with it? For Chrissake I even deleted some of the references thinking I was done with them and now...Aaaaarrrggghh!

Breath in, breath out, go online. Today is Frank Lloyd Wright's birthday. I can't believe he came up with all those magnificent designs without the aid of any computer work whatsoever. Maybe that's my problem. Maybe computers are my Achilles heel? God knows I waste enough time online. Not to mention my CAD designs never really do my imagination justice. A bad workman and his tools? tsk tsk.
Moving on.I have a few fall back sites I usually run to when my head is saturated. One of my favourite is dearblankpleaseblank. Haven't checked it out in a while (damn you IAQ research) so was really looking forward to smirking and smiling all by myself. I wasn't disappointed. Here are some of the gems :)

Dear William and Kate,
If William is 100% royal and Kate is 0% royal, will that make your son the half-blood prince?
Sincerely, curious.
(I doubt there is anyone out there who hasn't read HP6 but if you don't get this, then you should probably get yourself a copy of JK Rowling's 6th masterpiece [in the Potterverse I mean, Im'm sure all her other books are masterpieces as well] Wait can you have more than one masterpiece? Errrr...drat! what has arch school done to me????)
Dear church women,
Please stop diguising gossip in your prayer circle...
Dear World,
Leonardo DiCaprio didn't die at the end of the Titanic; he washed up on the shore at the beginning of Inception.
Sincerely, anonymous.
 (Awww, you can now breathe easy all you Jack fans. But what a difference a decade or so can make. You can have him Blake Lively, I liked him better poorer.)

Dear English teacher,
How can I get a question wrong that was asking for my opinion?
And many more funny "letters" but I gotta get back to work.

Monday, June 6, 2011

A Father To His Son by Carl Sandburg

A Father To His Son by Carl Sandburg

A friend (way older friend) asked me for a poem they could send their godson upn his graduation. I was busy with research to come up with one myself but i searched poem hunter anyway and loved this one :)