Superflous Advice

Should they whisper false of you,
Never trouble to deny;
Should the words they say be true,
Weep and storm and swear they lie.

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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Tragic Case of David Reimer

So one of my blog faithfuls brought it to my attention that I haven't updated in a while. Sorry about that. Been concentrating on my fashion/lifestyle blog at the moment and besides, all the twisted kinky stuff happens over the summer so that's probably when the posts will flood in.

Anyway, was watching a random episode of Amazing Race: Unfinished Business the other day and I couldn't get over how much Vyxsin put up with from Kent! I didn't watch their initial season but girlfriend has the patience of a saint! Also the entire episode (the one where they're eliminated), I was mostly trying to figure out what Kent's deal was! I know they were billed as "Dating Goths" but were they a heterosexual couple? Heterosexual but one was post-op? Pre-op? In that case is it even called a heterosexual couple? Were they lesbians? Were they both transsexuals??? Is that why Vyxsin put up with moody Kent because she knew the true him/her and also knew how the hormone treatment can mess you up??? I still don't know!
The genderbending Kent Kaliber or just a guy who loves wearing pink and makeup?

So today I hit google trying to find out and got derailed by the whole sexuality debate. Typical me. Basically I believe we are all born bisexual, attracted to both sexes, and choose our preference along the way, or not. That's my belief for as long as I can remember. But I'm also extremely confused by transsexuals/homosexuals who date others of the "wrong" sex should I say? Like how Jenny in "The L Word" decided she was a lesbian then she went on to date Moira who was transitioning! Or gays that date extra girly gays? Why not just date a woman??? I don't get it. What is get is falling in love with a person and not their sex. That I get.

I think the worst part of all this is he grew up watching his twin brother be everything he could have been.

Moving on to the topic of this post. Some old scientist dude kinda shared my belief but he opined that sexuality is learned and not innate. He basically pioneered the whole gender reassignment thing. Then poor David Reimer happened. After circumcision by cauterisation, 22month old David was left with a deformed penis that couldn't be saved by surgery. So his parents, concerned about their son's future sexual happiness and function, decided to take him to Dr Money who figured it was better to construct him a vagina since the penis couldn't be salvaged and raise him a girl! This would proof all his theories. Even better, David had an identical twin brother who would be the control experiment. What followed was more traumatic then therapeutic! Long story short, the experiment failed, once he hit his teens, Brenda (as he had been renamed) just couldn't deal with the forced sexuality and decided to live as a male.

I don't even know what the moral here is...Maybe the we would never have had Chaz Bono on DWTS if he hadn't finally gotten the body he should have been born with in the first place?