Superflous Advice

Should they whisper false of you,
Never trouble to deny;
Should the words they say be true,
Weep and storm and swear they lie.

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Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Trouble with Faking

First blog post of 2013!!! Huh, I'm not much for New Year's Resolutions but my overly religious mum's influence is positively rubbing off me so in that vein I'm trying to live a more godly life this year, more honest, you know? Which is why I'm coming clean about a little niggling thought I'd relegated to the back of my mind...
I, I, I, I, I, I, I, IUno momento poquitoUno momento poquitoI, I, I, ILie Steady, Lie Steady, Lie SteadyI, I, I, IOh, my God-Pillow Talk, Sylvia

Basing on my friend group as sample I think all girls fake. Maybe not every time but definitely more often than guys would care to believe. I mean it totally gets us out of some sticky situations. (Hehe, see what I did there?) 

My issue with it though is how do we know we are faking right? Or if there's even a "right way"? The Meg Ryan way? Like I'm sure there are girls out there that fake their VERY first time. Maybe cuz reality wasn’t really meeting the sky-high expectations and they just want it to be over already so they can go and compare notes with their more experienced girlfriends... So how do they know their faking won't come off as fake? Is it an innate gift, this ability to fake orgasms? And how is it that guys can't tell??? Seriously! We  can't all be faking the same way! (Not all of us religiously watched Meg Ryan's infamous scene in When Harry met Sally...)

Thank you ;)

 I don’t even know how and why I fake the way I do, I totally just do! And here is the interesting thing, my fake is actually very different from my real O. I think... I don’t really be paying attention when undergoing the real thing.

Totally not as dramatic but just as effective, yeah?

Anyhow, I wish I had a guy friend that has a bunch of FWBs who also happen to be my friends so I can tell them to conduct an experiment and fake 2 out of their next 3 encounters with guy friend then ask guy friend if he knows which encounters were faked and what differences, subtle or otherwise, were there between the FWBs fakes.

Any volunteers? No? Guess I'll never find out :(

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